Fleur Simon

Based London, UK
Fleur Simon - artist


I am an abstract painter, working primarily in epoxy resin on plywood. I create abstract paintings that mix natural imagery with my emotional states, visualising these internal landscapes. I graduated from City & Guilds of London Art School with first class honours, after my foundation at Central Saint Martins and scholarship semester at Paris College of Art.

I was shortlisted for the Clyde & Co. Blank Canvas Award (2018), won the Wildcard Prize on SkyArts’s Landscape Art of the Year Award (2018), and am currently shortlisted for the BP Portrait Award 2019.


  • 2019: Picture Frame Making (studio practice), The Camden College
  • 2015 - 2018: BA Fine Art (Painting), City and Guilds of London Art School
  • 2017: Decorative Surfaces Paint Technique Practical Workshops, City and Guilds of London Art School & The Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers
  • 2014-2015: Foundation, on a scholarship to Paris College of Art
  • 2013-2014: Foundation (Fine Art Practice), Central Saint Martins, UAL

Selected Exhibitions & Awards

  • 2019: ‘Solo Show’, Studio 73, Brixton London
  • 2019: ‘From the Studio Floor’, Cambridge
  • 2019: ‘Micro’, Air Gallery
  • 2019: ‘Duel Show: Sue Kennington and Fleur Simon’, Sid Motion Gallery, London
  • 2019: Shortlisted for the BP Portrait Award
  • 2018: Degree Show, City & Guilds of London Art School, London
  • 2018: Shortlisted for the Clyde & Co. Blank Canvas Award
  • 2017: City & Guilds of London Art School Interim Show, The Crypt Gallery, London
  • 2017: Winner of the Wildcard Prize on Landscape Art of the Year Award 2017, Aired on SkyArts 2017
  • 2016: City & Guilds of London Art School Interim Show, Diorama Arts Studios, London


  • 2019: Artist on the Verge Interview with Art Verge
  • 2019: Interview with artist platform Young Space
  • 2019: Published in Average Art Magazine
  • 2019: Artist Takeover for Semi Magazine
  • 2019: Published in February issue of A5 Magazine
  • 2019: Published in February issue of WOTISART? Magazine
  • 2019: Artist Takeover for Assemblage Magazine
  • 2018: Artist of the Week, interview with Collective 31


  • Award winner
  • Featured in relevant press
  • Represented in renowned art collection

Purchase artwork by Fleur Simon

  • Achievements & Goals

    • My recent show with Sid Motion Gallery
    • My goal is to regularly exhibit work, and to have a solid set of technical painting skills
  • Genre & Style

    • Contemporary abstract expressionism
    • Loose and fluid
  • Inspiration & Vision

    • Certain emotional states
    • Natural imagery
    • Other artists' work.

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